The Curious Mason

I, over the years, have become an information junkie. I accumulate data, books, articles, links to articles and websites, and subscribe to several daily email newsletters. In addition, I have saved almost everything I have written about Masonry, personal and...

All You Need is Brotherly Love!

                      The following six human needs were part of a weekly email I received, and I copied it, not knowing how I might use it. What every human being wants and needs To be part of something larger...

Leading With Masonic Values – Truth

Truth, the last of Masonry's three great tenets, is described as a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. The first lesson we are taught in Masonry is to be good men and true. The ritual goes on to say, Hence, while influenced by this principle,...

Leading With Masonic Values – Relief

The second great tenet of Masonry is relief. Typically, what immediately comes to mind is the practice of charity by giving monetary gifts. Certainly, Masonry and the allied organizations have a great history of raising funds to support worthwhile charitable...

Leading with Masonic Values – Brotherly Love

 I was thinking one day that during my years of service in Masonic organizations, I observed firsthand and heard about some behavior by leaders that made me feel at the time that they had forgotten some things they were taught in the Masonic degrees. I have always...

Ask – To Create a Great Lodge Experience

Lodge leaders can brainstorm ideas to make the lodge experience more interesting, but if you don’t ask as many brothers as possible what they might like, you may not accomplish what you set out to do. As part of our Lodge planning process, we passed out note cards at...

4 Barriers to Successful Planning & How to Overcome Them

There are several keys to successful planning and one of the first is to be aware of some of the major barriers that will trip you up.   Fear of Change—Apprehension about stepping out into the unknown will limit your creativity and send you down the path of least...

The Value of Thoughtful Masonic Reflection

In her 2013 annual Christmas message, Queen Elizabeth II said this on the value of stepping back and reflecting: “We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. Be it through...

The Wisdom of MWB Dwight L Smith

In February 1963, Past Grand Master of Indiana Dwight L. Smith published an essay entitled Whither Are We Traveling? He begins by declaring there is no shortage of Masonic leaders complaining of lodge membership falling off or poor attendance at lodge meetings. He...

The Masonic Leader’s Mindset

Exploring mindset is one of the crucial areas in leadership training. Your attitude towards leadership will determine how effective you are as a leader. It is essential to ask yourself if you are leading for the right reasons, what goals you hope to achieve, and if...
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